Invitation for Collaboration with the Udaan Educational Services

The Udaan Educational Services, a registered organization, invites educational institutions, industries, companies, and firms to collaborate with us through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) or Memorandum of Cooperation.

We welcome partnerships with:

– Universities

– Faculties

– Colleges

– Departments

– Industries

– Companies

– Firms

Opportunities for Collaboration:

Knowledge Partnership: Engage in collaborative research and knowledge-sharing initiatives.

Exchange Programs: Facilitate student and faculty exchange programs for enhanced learning and development.

NOTE:There is no fee or charge for establishing an MoU with us.

Join us in fostering innovation and advancing research. For more information or to express your interest, please contact us at 8595228014 or send Proposal on mail Id:

Who Can Send Interest and Sign an MoU with Us?

Authorized heads of educational institutions and industries are welcome to express interest and sign an MoU with us. This includes:

– Universities, Institutions, Colleges:

  – Department Head

  – Dean

  – Registrar

  – Vice Chancellor

  – Chancellor

  – Director

  – Head of Institution (HOI)

  – Principal

  – IQAC Head

– Industries, Companies, and Firms: Authorized Head Person

Benefits of MoU (Collaboration) with the Udaan Educational Services

  1. 1. Academic Advantage: Enhance institutional grades in evaluations and improve international ranking.

  2. 2. Event Organization: Collaborate on educational and professional events.

  3. Event Promotion: Promote events on our website and associated journals at no charge.

  4. 4. Keynote and Guest Opportunities: Appoint members/faculties as keynote speakers or guest members in conferences, seminars, and other events.

  5. Expert Lectures: Members/faculties can serve as experts for lectures on various themes in workshops and training programs.

  6. Joint Coordination Committee: Establish a committee for effective execution of activities and programs.

  7. Industrial and Professional Trainings: Arrange training sessions for industry delegates.

  8. Networking: Connect with scholarly academicians, researchers, scientists, and industry delegates.

  9. Publication Opportunities: Publish conference proceedings in ISSN journals and ISBN books with concessions.

Objectives of MoU:

  1. Common Forum: Provide a platform for exchanging ideas on designing and executing professional, academic, and industrial programs.

  2. Knowledge Enhancement: Increase the knowledge level of teachers, researchers, and delegates.

  3. Institutional Improvement: Help institutions improve their grades and rankings.

  4. Resource Sharing: Share and utilize each other’s libraries, databases, documentation, instrumental, and infrastructure facilities.

  5. Joint Events: Exchange information and organize joint seminars, workshops, trainings, lectures, Faculty Development Programs (FDPs), and Professional Development Programs (PDPs) for students and teachers.

  6. Industry Collaboration: Exchange information and arrange trainings, seminars, and workshops for employees of industries, companies, and firms.

Activities and Programs

Based on the principles of mutual respect and benefit, the collaborating organizations will engage in the following activities:

  1. Educational Research Events: Organize and participate in research events and personal development programs.

  2. Development Programs: Conduct Personal Development Programs (PDPs), Faculty Development Programs (FDPs), and Student Development Programs.

  3. Faculty Exchange: Facilitate the exchange of faculty as visiting lecturers, guests of honor, and speakers.

  4. Event Design and Execution: Design and execute conferences, seminars, workshops, and symposiums.

  5. Presentation Platform: Provide a platform for the presentation and exhibition of research or project work.

  6. Publication Opportunities: Offer international-level publication opportunities through conference and seminar events.

  7. Information Exchange: Exchange publications and information between organizations.

  8. Professional Training: Conduct professional training and skill programs for employees of industries, companies, and firms.

  9. Comprehensive Events: Organize conferences, seminars, workshops, trainings, lectures, FDPs, and PDPs for students, teachers, professors, and industry employees.

  10. Funding Invitations: Invite funding for projects or events from industries, companies, firms, or government bodies.


We look forward to a fruitful collaboration.