Membership Guidelines


Udaan Educational Services (UES) is committed to creating a collaborative space for educators, administrators, researchers, and policymakers to share knowledge, engage in professional development, and advocate for high-quality education. Our membership guidelines ensure that every member contributes positively to our mission and gains from the resources and community support provided by UES. By joining UES, members become part of a vibrant network dedicated to advancing educational excellence and innovation.


Membership in the UES is available to individuals and institutions dedicated to promoting educational excellence. Eligible members include educators, administrators, researchers, policymakers, and students in education-related fields. Educational institutions such as schools, colleges, and universities are also encouraged to join. The UES welcomes anyone committed to enhancing the quality of education and fostering innovation in the field.

Educators:Teachers, Professors, and Educational Practitioners at all levels.

Administrators: School and district leaders, university administrators, and other education managers.

– Researchers: Individuals conducting research in education-related fields.

– Students:Graduate and undergraduate students pursuing degrees in education or related fields.

– Educational Institutions: Schools, colleges, universities, and other organizations focused on education and Research.

Application Process

  1. 1. Individual Membership:

   – Submit a completed application form available on the website.

   – Provide a current CV or resume.

   – Write a statement of purpose detailing your interest in joining the UES and how you plan to contribute to the organization.

  1. Institutional Membership:

   – Submit an institutional application form.

   – Provide documentation outlining the institution’s commitment to educational excellence.

***There is no Membership Fee.

Membership Categories and Benefits

– Professional Members:

  – Access to all UES publications, including journals and newsletters.

  – Discounted registration fees for conferences and workshops.

  – Opportunities to present research and practices at UES events.

– Student Members:

  – All professional member benefits at a reduced fee.

  – Access to mentoring programs and networking opportunities with seasoned professionals.

  – Eligibility for UES scholarships and grants.

– Institutional Members:

  – All professional member benefits for designated representatives.

  – Institutional recognition on the UES website and at events.

  – Opportunities to host UES events and training sessions.

Code of Conduct for Membership in Udaan Educational Services (UES)

As a member of Udaan Educational Services (UES), you are part of a collaborative community dedicated to advancing educational excellence. To maintain a positive and productive environment, all members are expected to adhere to the following Code of Conduct.


– Integrity: Uphold the highest standards of honesty and ethical behavior in all professional activities.

– Competence: Strive for excellence in your work, continually improving your skills and knowledge.

Accountability: Take responsibility for your actions and their impact on the community.


– Courtesy: Treat all members and participants with respect and consideration, fostering a supportive and inclusive atmosphere.

-Diversity: Embrace and respect diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences within the educational community.

– Communication: Engage in open, honest, and respectful dialogue, avoiding any form of harassment, discrimination, or inappropriate behavior.


Engagement: Actively participate in UES events, discussions, and initiatives, contributing your expertise and insights.

Collaboration: Work collaboratively with other members, sharing knowledge and resources to advance educational excellence.

Support: Offer assistance and mentorship to fellow members, particularly those new to the organization or the field.


– Research Integrity: Adhere to ethical standards in conducting and presenting research, ensuring accuracy and honesty.

– Confidentiality: Respect the confidentiality of sensitive information shared within the community.

– Conflict of Interest: Disclose any potential conflicts of interest and avoid actions that could compromise the integrity of UES or its members.


– Policies and Procedures: Follow all UES policies, procedures, and guidelines, including those related to event participation and use of resources.

– Legal Requirements: Abide by all applicable laws and regulations in your professional conduct and activities.

Consequences of Misconduct

– Disciplinary Actions: Depending on the severity of the violation, disciplinary actions may include warnings, suspension, or termination of membership. By adhering to this Code of Conduct, you contribute to a vibrant, respectful, and productive community dedicated to improving education. Udaan Educational Services values your commitment and looks forward to your positive contributions to our mission.

Renewal and Termination

Renewal: Memberships are renewed annually. Members will receive a reminder one month before their membership expires. Continued membership requires adherence to the UES guidelines.

Termination: Membership may be terminated if a member violates the UES code of conduct, engages in activities detrimental to the UES’s mission. Termination decisions are made by the UES Board of Directors and are subject to appeal.

Benefits of Membership:

As a member, you become part of a dynamic network dedicated to advancing the field of education through collaboration, professional development, and advocacy. Here are some of the key benefits of the membership:

Professional Development

  1. Access to Publications:

   – Receive complimentary subscriptions to UES’s journals, newsletters, and other publications that provide the latest research findings, best practices, and policy updates in education.

   – Stay informed about emerging trends, innovative methodologies, and critical issues impacting the educational landscape.

  1. Conferences and Workshops:

   – Benefit from discounted registration fees for UES’s annual conferences, regional workshops, and special events.

   – Engage with leading experts, participate in interactive sessions, and gain practical insights to enhance your professional skills and knowledge.

   – Participate as a Resource Person in workshop, FDPs and Conferences.

  1. Online Learning:

   – Access a wide range of webinars, online courses, and virtual seminars tailored to the needs of educators and administrators.

   – Earn professional development credits and certificates that contribute to your career advancement.

Networking Opportunities

  1. Professional Community:

   – Connect with a diverse network of professionals from various sectors within the education field.

   – Participate in special interest groups, committees, and forums to discuss common challenges and share solutions.

  1. Mentorship Programs:

   – Benefit from mentorship opportunities where experienced members guide and support newer members.

   – Enhance your professional growth through one-on-one mentorship relationships, gaining insights and advice from seasoned professionals.

Recognition and Career Advancement

  1. Awards and Honors:

   – Be eligible for UES’s prestigious awards and recognition programs that highlight outstanding contributions to the field of education.

   – Enhance your professional reputation and gain visibility for your achievements.

  1. Leadership Opportunities:

   – Serve in leadership roles within the UES, such as on the Board of Directors, committees, or special task forces.

   – Develop leadership skills, influence the direction of the association, and contribute to the advancement of the educational profession.

Advocacy and Influence

  1. Policy Advocacy:

   – Participate in UES’s advocacy efforts to influence education policy at the local, state, and national levels.

   – Collaborate with other members to develop position statements, policy briefs, and advocacy campaigns that promote educational excellence and equity.

Institutional Benefits (for Institutional Members)

  1. Institutional Support:

    – Receive consultancy services and tailored support to enhance your institution’s educational programs, leadership development, and strategic planning.

    – Host UES-sponsored events and training sessions, showcasing your institution’s commitment to educational excellence.

  1. Visibility and Branding:

    – Gain recognition as a leader in education through institutional membership benefits, including visibility on the UES website, at events, and in publications.

    – Enhance your institution’s brand and reputation by aligning with UES’s mission and values.


Udaan Educational Services values the dedication and contributions of its members. By following these guidelines, members foster a vibrant and dynamic community committed to enhancing education globally. We invite you to join us and look forward to the positive impact you will make within UES.